Dhantrayodashi 2024: Details of YamDeepdhan, Lakshmi Puja, Kubera Puja, Buying Gold/Silver

dhantrayodashi 2024
Dhantrayodashi 2024 or Dhanteras: Know the complete details of Yamdeepdaan and How to invite Goddess Lakshmi and God Kuber through Puja Rituals

Yamdeepdaan on Dhantrayodashi 2024(Dhanteras )

  • Yamdeepdaan must be performed on Dhantrayodashi 2024, as it is believed to end the fear of untimely death. This is the only day in the year when Yamraj, the god of death, is worshipped solely by lighting lamps. Some people also donate lamps on Narak Chaturdashi.
  • According to Padmapuran and Skandpuran ,Lighting a lamp for Yamraj on this day destroys Durmrityu (untimely death).

Simple Method for Yamdeepdaan:

After chanting, offer flowers near the lamp and repeat the following mantra: “Om Yamdevaya Namah.”

Worship of Shri Lakshmi on Dhanteras 2024

  • After performing the usual worship rituals for Goddess Lakshmi, offer fragrance, rice, flowers, fruits, light incense, and a ghee lamp (which can burn throughout the night). Recite the Lakshmi Stuti. Offer batasha (sugar candy), paan (betel leaves), makhana or makhana kheer, and water to Goddess Lakshmi. Later, consume these as prasad (blessed food).
  • Chant the following mantra daily from Dhanteras to Diwali
    Hreem Shreem Aim Kleem Mahalakshmi Mam Grihe Aagachh Aagachh Swaha.”
  • Create an eight-petaled lotus with rice on a copper plate and place an image of Lakshmi’s feet in the center. Keep this plate in the prayer room. From Dhanteras to Diwali, perform the aarti (ritual of worship) for Goddess Lakshmi every morning and evening. Pour water into a Dakshinavarti Shankh (conch) and sprinkle it around the house.
  • Light a nine-wick lamp in front of the idol of Goddess Lakshmi.
  • To attract monetary gains, offer Jasmine flowers to Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Worship Goddess Lakshmi with various hymns.

Worship of Kubera on Dhanteras 2024

Kuber is the guardian of the North, the direction of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that worshipping Kuber on Dhanteras is especially beneficial.

  • Install a Kuber Yantra in the puja mandir of your house. If you are wealthy, you can opt for a Kuber Yantra made from other metals. While installing the Yantra, chant the following mantra:
    Yakshaya Kuberaay Vaishravanaay Dhan-Dhanya Adhipataye Dhan-Dhanya Samriddhi Me Dehi Dapay Swaha.”
  • Additionally, 43 lamps are traditionally lit in the evening on Dhanteras as an offering to Kuber, the Lord of all wealth and prosperity.

Also Read – 108 Names of Kubera

Dhanvantari Jayanti on Dhanteras 2024

On this day, neem leaves are considered important, as neem is believed to have originated from amrit (nectar). Eating prasad made from neem leaves symbolizes health and well-being.

Decoration on Dhanteras 2024

During the churning of the ocean, Lord Dhanvantari, the physician of the gods, appeared with a pot of nectar on Dhanteras. This is celebrated as his birthday.

Worship Lord Dhanvantari in the first quarter of the night and listen to the Garuda Purana’s Rog Nashini Shri Dhanvantari Vrat Katha.

Perform Yamdeepdaan during Pradosh period (dusk). Use a lamp made from wheat flour, which calms the energy waves that cause bad habits. Take clean cotton, make two long wicks, and place them horizontally in the lamp so that four wick ends are visible outside. Fill the lamp with sesame oil and add some black sesame seeds.

During Pradosh Kaal, worship the lamp with rice, and flowers. Make a small heap of puffed rice or wheat outside the main door, light the lamp, and place it on top of the heap while facing south. South is believed to attract Yama waves.

Chant the following mantra while keeping the lamp: “Mrityuna Paashdandabhyan Kalen Shyamaya Saha. Trayodshyam Deepdanat Suryajh Priyatam Mam.”

  • On Dhanteras 2024 : Decorate the house with yellow or red flowers. Use the fragrance of jasmine flowers, Juhi, Shatavari, etc., can be used.
  • After taking a bath in the morning, grind turmeric and rice, then make auspicious symbols like the Swastika on the entrance door using this mixture.
  • Hang a traditional garland on the main door.

Shopping on Dhanteras

  • Buying utensils and silver on Dhanteras is considered very auspicious.
  • Buying items made of silver, brass, or copper is also considered auspicious.
  • People also buy silver coins on Dhanteras to use during the Lakshmi Puja on Diwali.
  • On the night of Deepawali, offer kheer (a traditional sweet) in that bowl to Goddess Lakshmi and consume it as prasad (blessed food). Continue using this bowl to eat kheer every full moon day, as this remedy is believed to prevent financial crises.
  • Buying dry coriander seeds and keeping them in the house on this day is said to increase family wealth.
  • If you do not already have a Shriyantra or Kuber Yantra, buy one today. Choose one made of silver, mercury, or rubble.


To achieve Moksha (liberation), offer a lamp near a Banyan tree and worship Kubera and Lord Vishnu. Recite the Shiva Sahasrarchan with Bilvapatra (Betel leaves) or lotus flowers, and chant hymns for Lord Shiva and Kubera to gain wealth and prosperity.

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